I'm a bit lost... or... How do I not waste time?

Hi all,

I’m a new user to Syrinscape and I’m a bit overwhelmed atm :slight_smile: I understand the basic concept but I’m not sure on how to prepare myself for the best. Maybe some of the veterans can give me an inside on how to get a good workflow.

For example: I wanted to get a soundset for travels. It should include travels on horse, on wagons, maybe later on boats and so on. I found a great soundset called “Wagon Journey” and copied it to my own Soundset. Now my problem is, how can I connect that with other sounds, e.g. the weather? For example, I have the mood “Journey”. It features some horses, the wagon and other basic stuff. Now if I want to add wind, I can either include the wind and start it manually (if needed) or set it as an own mood (“Journey with wind”). Same goes for light rain, heavy rain, stronger wind or storm. So I could end up with a bretty big mood with lots of sounds I can add manually, but makes it harder to handle, or I have tons of similar moods with names like “Journey - no wind, medium rain”.

And that is a relatively simple setup with only 2 variables (wind, rain) in a few variations (none, light, medium, heavy).

What would be awesome (kinda being a suggestion) would be to have a kind of Mood-Mixer where I could add various Moods from my Soundsets together. So I would have like a tree view of my active Soundsets and could turn on/off the different moods. I turn on “wagon journey”, the journey starts… wind comes up? I just scroll down to my soundset “Weather” and turn on the “Light Wind” and a bit later the “Light Rain”.

But maybe I’m overthinking it?

Edit: Fixed some typos

Probably the way to get the most control you want would be with the Syrinscape Creator, which gives you total control over the sounds and moods. One has to be a SuperSyrin Subscriber to get the creator. Ben has some great videos on his YouTube Syrinscape channel for how to use the Creator.

Now, the way I know how to do it without using the Creator would be to first find your base set of sounds, say the Wagon Journey mood from the Wagon Journey soundset. Then go to another soundset which is going to have the sounds you may need to make louder or softer on the fly. You mentioned rain and wind, so then let’s pop over to the Storm soundset. Now, with the “wagon journey” sounds still playing, put on the rain/wind sounds you want. Now press the + button on the Storm set and give that mood a title, “Journey with Weather” for example. Then hit the pause button.

Now when you press the “Journey with Weather” mood button in the Storm soundset, the wagon journey sounds will start playing, along with your wind and rain. Then since you’re in the Storm soundset, you can easily shift your wind/rain sounds louder or softer as you go, or just make more moods to suit.

You can have sounds going from dozens of different sets, but you can save the mood in any soundset you want. If you have a very unique soundset, save it in the Custom Mood mood. If you have a variation you’re going to use often, save it in that mood. Like I have a portside town mood I created (with gulls and waves on a beach and a market square), but I saved it in the Brindle Town mood, because that’s where I usually go for all my town sounds.


Hi Eugen,
@HECook has it spot on, the most effective way to make a custom soundset is by using the Syrinscape SoundSet Creator and then uploading those soundsets into your players to use at the table.

The simpler method is to use custom moods, which are then stored locally in your devices cache memory. HECook has already given you a great guide on how to do that but I would also highly recomend that you take a look at the ProTips section of the forum as there are guides on how to set up custom moods, campaigns and many other time saving tips and tricks :smile:

Also take a look at our YouTube channel, where Ben has made some great workflow videos to help better explain things.

Thanks a lot for the help guys. I actually am a SuperSyrin Subscriber and have already looked into the Creator. Not sure on how to use it best yet, but that will come.

I think it might not be that big of a problem I feared. Once I get used to the UI and know where the sounds are, it is indeed much easier to organize myself. I have a few ideas and will see if they work out.

Thanks again.

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