I want some SoundSets to SHARE with everybody!

What do people have that is made of only Syrinscape sounds OR contains sounds that you can credit correctly… stuff you’ve made yourself OR Creative Commons Zero or Attribution.

I want to switch some stuff on for the whole community!

Come on, let me have it!!! :smile:

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I’m working, I’m working! Ok actually I’ve really been slacking lately, I have several half finished sets that I really do need to get around to finishing. I’ll try to get them done by the end of the month so you have some time to listen to them before Essen.

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Just uploaded my background soundset for Snows of Summer (the first book of Reign of Winter AP). It is made up entirely of existing Syrinscape elements, mixed the way I want them. Unfortunately, while I can see it on the website and drag it into my campaign, it hasn’t shown up in the app so I can’t download it.

I realize my last post sounded like a complaint, but that wasn’t the intent! I realize this is early days yet, and the server isn’t always working at 100% (especially on a Saturday night). I’m sure it will come through soon enough.

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That’s cool @jared :smile:

Has it shown up yet? it looks good on the server.

I’ve given it to mayself and can see it my Player.

Sounds good too! :smile:

It did - showed up during the game session, and worked perfectly. Thanks!

The only other user-created soundset I have seen (as far as I can tell - no associated picture, and placed at the bottom of the “Your Campaigns” page) is the one titled “Hell’s Rebels Music.” Am I missing something? Is there any way to set up a separate page for user-created soundsets?

You should be able to see; Battle of Wolven Pass, Creepy Shopkeeper, Desert Camp and Lycanthrope Stalker? On mine they appear in the normal alphabetical list.

Their the only ones that I can think of at the minute but I’ll double check. Can you see those in your player?

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I’m building soundsets for use with the “Trail of the Apprentice” adventure path I wrote for Legendary Games’ “Legendary Beginnings” line. I just finished the first of three soundsets for “The Bandit’s Cave.” The soundsets use only sounds from the Syrinscape sets. We can definitely share the soundset with folks when it’s done. I can probably get permission from the publisher to use some of our art from the adventure as a backdrop for the soundsets, too.


Sounds GREAT, Paris!!! Let’s do it! :slight_smile:

Working on getting some sounds sorted for the D&D Tyranny of Dragons campaign :wink:



People will find this really useful!

Oh they (we) will :slight_smile:

The one of Tyranny of Dragons - I could run it again.

Now I am going to run DragonLance War of the Lance campaign in D&D 5e (fan conversion) for my players and I am working on soundsets based on the pure Syrinscape sounds. I’d love to share once it’s done.

You think Hobgoblins can sound like goblins pretty much? That’s what I do in my set :slight_smile:


I’m a big fan of old school Dragonlance, can’t wait to hear what you come up with! :smile:

I reckon Hobgoblins would sound like bigger, even dummer goblins, but with a tinge of viciousness?

That’s what I think too. Something between bugbear battle roar and goblin roar :slight_smile: For now I used Goblin though.

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I’ve built a set for T.I.M.E. Stories. I’d like to upload it for the community, but I’m using the old Mac version of Syrinscape SountSet Creator. It doesn’t have the little cloud, upload to server button.

Is there a way I can upload it? Or is there a new Mac version of SoundSet Creator I can use to do this?

Hi @madmaddox2001, yeah we are still working on the Mac version I’m afraid! sorry :blush:

You should be able to export the soundset though and that will zip it up into a zip file that you could send us in Dropbox or something similar. The best way to do it is to send a email to support@syrinscape.com with the dropbox link or just direct message it to Benjamin on here (just click his profile pic and select message from the top of his banner) :smile:

We can manually upload it for you then. Also if you have used any of your own samples or bits of music please could you send us details of who to credit. Look forward to hearing it!


Maybe… export it and let’s try. :smile: