I can't Bless my phone - RESOLVED

I’ve unblessed everything but when I try to bless my new Samsung Note 9 it says its on the list but the name I gave it is not recognized and while a “unknown” Note 9 is listed there it is not recognized as blessed on my phone.

You are always best sending us an email to support for this kind of thing, we’ll pick it up a lot quicker than here on the forum.

Drop us an email using the email address that your account registered in and we can get it sorted for you :slight_smile:

Hey @logos.cadd.

I found your account and have cleared all your blessed devices.

Working for you now?

Yes Thanks!!!

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You were actually the victim of a failed process on the server. I blame ACTUAL GOBLINS!

Keep and eye out, and let us know if you see any more! :bug::dagger: