How do I... Remove/Edit Global Oneshots?

I am using the online player.

I want to create a base set of Oneshots for myself, and my players to have access to that is custom to my game. I do not want Sci-fi/outside of campaign sounds, as it breaks immersion.

I want this as a base template for my game(s).

First I want to remove the sounds I do not wish to use in the game.
(I will ask about adding sounds later, I just want to pull out the sounds I do not need from the online player at this time.)

I was hoping for a Step by step process, i.e… From Properties, open the soundset, from the soundset… etc.

Hi @Valiance,

There is NO current way to hide OneShots you don’t want showing… yet!

It’s definitely on our list of TO DOs, but just hasn’t reached the top yet.

In the meantime, just checking you have seen THIS playlist of vids… for other stuff all around this area of topicness?!

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Hi Benjamin,

I use the online player to make a sound set for a sci-fi Starfinder Game now, previosly i used only the fantasy player.

I want to delete all of the Fantasy Global Oneshots as they are taking place for nothing. I already deleted the Bugbear Battle even from other campaigns. I still have the (fantasy) global oneshots in the Online Player.

I am right that here is still nothing to do about? Even not deleting the soundsets from where these Global Oneshots are coming?

Kind Regards, Andreas

Hi Ben, is it still the case that there’s no way to delete global oneshots? I never use them because it’s far too cluttered, but I’d love to take advantage of that feature.