How do I get my set on my phone so I can run a game without PC?

Hi all,

Brand new user on a trial and very confused. I was playing around on the website tonight to reuse moods and sounds from various set to create my own cobbled set for a Call of Cthulhu one shot I want to run.

That set now appears on the website.

However, the app on my phone still looks as follows:

There are no sets or sounds to play. Just a notification that it’s linked to my account.

Is that where my soundsets are supposed to sync to? Am I using the wrong app?

I need to bring the set with me on my phone to run at a gaming club next week.

Hopefully, you can point me in the right direction.

For reference, you can kinda (not mobile friendly) see the set as it is on the app website here.

How can I get it to my phone?

Hmmm… I was hoping this would be a simple question and easily resolved (i.e. that I was using the wrong app or missing an obvious step).

Isn’t there an easy way to sync a Syrinscape campaign sound set I created online with my Android phone so I can use it when I run a game face to face?

@Steve Do you have any advice? If this works out well for this session, I’d be likely to subscribe for future games. But if I can’t figure out how to get my sounds on a phone app for face to face play, then Syrinscape is likely not the soundboard I was looking for.

This may not be the best way, as I think they’re drifting away from these and towards the web player, but FYI:

There are three mobiles apps. Syrinscape (aka Syrinscape Fantasy Player), Syrinscape Sci-Fi Player, and Syrinscape Board Game Player. You probably only need the first.

SoundSets you’ve bought will be available there with pre-set moods, and one-shots. You can easily add/edit moods to remix the sounds from that set. You can also create your own custom sets and moods, mixing together sounds you’ve bought from multiple sets, though it’s a little clumsier. Open the built-in “Custom Moods” SoundSet, and hit the Info button for an explanation of that.

I have Syrinscape set up on my iPad for when I’m on the road. I don’t subscribe because I use it less than once a month, but I’ve bought quite a lot of SoundSets.


Oh! So are you saying that I do indeed have the wrong app? I think I just downloaded the app without a style name as I (wrongly) assumed it was the generic player for sets we made.

Will the sets I own will appear in the relevant player? What about the campaign or modified sets I made?

That would be perfect. I’ll give the specific apps a try and see what I see. Thanks so much for your suggestion.

@brendan.dodds Thanks so much. That worked.

The sounds have synced to my phone (sci fi app as that’s the default classification) and I can play them locally.

Today I learned not all apps in the family are equal.

Thanks again!

Well there you go. I’ve never created my own sound set via the website, only created custom moods inside the app itself. So I was suggesting the latter. But sounds like I accidentally helped you find a more sophisticated solution. Yay!

Yeah I think the app called “Syrinscape” must have been the first app they released. Later apps split it retroactively into Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Board Game. (Probably an attempt to organize things and give it a nice thematic interface.) So the first has a generic name while the others are specific.

Didn’t know it defaulted to Sci-Fi, that’s interesting. I only use Syrinscape for Board Games. And the board games usually have either Fantasy or Sci-Fi themes. And therefore I never use the Board Games app. Shrug.

Anyway, glad you’re rolling! Syrinscape is awesome, if occasionally idiosyncratic, and the team and community are brilliant. Welcome aboard! And let us know how your Cthulhu one-shot goes.

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sorry I missed this and thanks @brendan.dodds for stepping in to help! If you are looking for a quick reply always drop us an email at support as we are always actively monitoring there for people needing help :grin:

But yes, for using Syrinscape on your phone the Fantasy & Sci-fi players are the best apps to use and are designed for mobile device screens. With the Online player that you pictured you need to be running both the Online player app (Your first pic) and the Master interface browser (second pic) So really it is designed for Laptops and tablets. We also have the Web Player, which is the latest app and plays directly from the browser, which is available for PC and Mac.