How about a BUY-ONCE price for Sound Set Creator?

After playing with Syrinscape for a while I realized that I NEED the Sound Set Creator. But I don’t want to bounce around with different subscription plans.

I have a $6.50 fantasy plan. I considered the Super plan but I know I would edit some sets and then not need it that much. BUT if I could have purchased the SSC for a buy once price I would have. No doubt. Now, I’m not real happy without it but I don’t want to spend $20 for it if I don’t get to keep it.

Why not charge $6.50 per genre OR $10 for three AND still sell the SSC at buy once of $20 separately!

Just a thought.


Hi @gamemasterbob,

Firstly and most importantly though, THANKS for your support as a Fantasy Sub. :smile:

Secondly, the SoundSet Creator is a super complex and powerful tool set – the same one we at Syrinscape use to create our massive libraries of sounds. It required extensive resources to develop, and requires ongoing resources to enable the global Syrinscape community to upload and share their creations, as well as sync them across all of their devices. As such, we can only offer it as a premium to our SuperSyrin Subscribers at this time.

If you think about it, you’re paying $3.50/m to have all of the above PLUS getting access to all the Sci-Fi and Board Game AND Community Content.

If you like you can:

  1. upgrade to use the Creator
  2. make some content
  3. upload it to the server
  4. downgrade back to Fantasy
  5. as longas you maintain ANY level of sub, you’ll always have access to the stuff you created in the Creator

All sense makes?

I take this thread, because I have the same question about to pay “once” for the sound set creator. I understand that a massive tool is not for free. I would pay 70-100 dollar for the creator at once. I do not need SciFi or Board Game sounds. I am a fantasy subscriber and the super subscriber is ok, but for me as a dungeon and dragons game master, i do not need the other sound sets. Maybe think about it to sold it seperatly in the future or create something only with the fantasy sounds. Just an idea. Sorry for my bad grammar. I hope you unterstand what I mean. I am from germany. Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:


You may be doubling this number.

It’s $6.50 for just one Genre… or $10 for absilutely everything including Creator.


Hi @afterbusiness,

Hosting and serving the creator costs $5.00 per month (delivering data to it) (hosting SoundSets you make and serving to all your devices) (managing bug fixes) (continuing to develop the software)… which when bundled with the $6.50 for Fantasy and discounted to $10 seems reasonable to me…?

So arguably the value of a SuperSyrin Sub might be…

$6.50 Fantasy
$6.50 Sci-fi
$1.00 Boardgame
$5.00 SuperSyrin
$3.00 Community Content

$23.00 per month

You can get all this value for just $10 per month.

That’s how my maths works! :smile:

Does that make sense to anybody else?