Hint: quick access to the instant buttons

This is a cheap and small bluetooth keyboard. I use it with Syrinscape as a quick, small and often surprising (for the players - there is more shock to a sound they do not expect) way of hitting the instant button hotkeys. Just an idea for everybody else whose GM table is cluttered like mine. :wink:


Oh that looks great! What make is it? Iโ€™ve never seen a keyboard like that, would be awesome to use that in my games, especially with Halloween coming up soon :grin:

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Thatโ€™s actually from tchibo, a german coffee shop chain (they deal with all sorts of decorations and household electronics, too). The closest in the UK seems to be this thing on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/SODIAL-Bluetooth-Wireless-Keyboard-Computers/dp/B008KH0E0G/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1443874564&sr=8-5&keywords=SODIAL+bluetooth+keyboard

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Great thanks, will check it out :slight_smile:

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This is amazingly cooool! :smile:

And, pretty much why we left the hotkeys accessible on the mobile devices.

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