Gnolls & Hyenas

I’m running the old Caves of Chaos module (B2), and I have all the sounds I need for the area with the EXCEPTION of Gnolls and their associated Hyenas. Hyenas make a very distinct sound, as would Gnolls I imagine. I don’t know what an entire soundset would provide, but these basic elements are sorely lacking in the current package. (Maybe the sound of feasting on flesh? Is that already included somewhere?) Is there any work being done towards this end?


Yeth Hound Battle has some great growls which you could use, as does Lycanthrope stalker (Community Conntent) For tearing flesh try listening to Undead battle. also try typing dog into the search bar at the top of the player and you will find lots of sets with dog barks, growls etc :smile:

I agree we need sounds specifically for gnolls/hyenas. I’ve had to go to youtube and other sites several times to replicate that crazy laughing sound. Dogs/wolves/yeth hounds don’t come close to what real hyenas sound like.

(What I’d really like is a master list somewhere that would make finding monsters easy. So many of them are listed under proper name that’s it tough to find anything particular, esp. in a pinch e.g. Xanesha is listed under her name instead of lamia.)

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That’s exactly what the Syrinscape SoundSet Creator is for, if someone wants to have a go at making a gnoll or hyena set then we would happily release it as community content… hint hint :smile:

The players now have a search function rather than a master list but obviously we have 1000’s of sounds to go through and tag so many of them will only come up with the original name Xanesha being an example but in time more tags will be added making it much easier to find them.


With the master list, I think what is happening is that the Adventure Path content is being created with great additions, but the new content needs to be edited into more generalized categories for the basic soundsets. Let’s say an adventure path includes a beholder battle. Great! But those battle elements ought to be drawn into a “Beholder Lair” basic soundset. In fact, the way to do a master monster list may be to arrange basic soundsets by familiar monster lairs.


  • Green Dragon Lair
  • Beholder Lair
  • Goblinoid Caves
  • Gnoll Warpath
  • Vampire’s Lair
  • Giant’s Throneroom

Now, some of these already exist, but as an overall soundset organization, I think it would be easier to find what you’re looking for if ALL basic soundsets were arranged by . More civilized areas or overland travel wouldn’t have to fit this organization scheme. Instead, they could be organized by location (e.g., Port City, Dwarf Hold (underground), etc.). Also, things need to be combined. Why do we need Friendly Tavern and Seedy Tavern, when those can be options WITHIN the soundset? Farmland and Bristol Town should really be combined.

I guess to put another way, the challenge Syrinscape will have the longer it stays around is soundset bloat. There are going to be multiple soundsets available, many with the same options, and hard to browse because they’re oddly specific and don’t really tell you what are included in each. And there are going to be dozens, if not hundreds, to sort through. At some point the developers will need to edit and rearrange the soundsets to present a uniform method of arrangement. If they don’t, then the beautiful UI they’ve created will get too bloated and unwieldy to use.

But yes, Hyenas and Gnolls are VERY different from dogs and should be added.

The point is, though, not everyone has the time, money, or know-how to create their own soundsets with the creator. Sluffing off basic D&D monsters to community content, which is not accessible to the basic fantasy player, isn’t serving the broader user base.

Besides, what’s the point of a SoundSet Suggestions forum if the answer is going to be, “Use the Creator and do it yourself”? I see that frequently here in the forum.

Trojack - I’ve made some basic organization for the Fantasy and Sci-Fi player, which should help with contracting the amount of general sets on any given tab.

Fantasy NPCs -
Fantasy Monsters and Fights -
Fantasy Locations -

Sci-Fi Alien Locations -
Sci-Fi Space Locations -
Sci-Fi Monsters and Fights -
Modern Locations -

I’ve also done a set for the of the Runelords Adventure Path, and will probably do one for each of the other adventure paths in the next couple of days.

While there is not currently a true hyena sound on the soundsets, how about the Gorefangs growls from the Trouble In Kintargo soundset, combined with the Mad Laughter/Crazed Cackle one-shots from Spooky? It’s not perfect, but it’s somewhat closer than the basic growls from the Yeth Hounds. (The Gorefangs sound much more fierce, in my opinion.)


@trojack31, each month we release multiple new soundsets, a full list of the current ones we are working on is available for you to look at on the website. as suggestions come in to the community they are added to the list of sets we produce, but building sets takes time.

The Creator gives people the tools to build sets as and when they need them, not everybody has the creator or the time to use it BUT for those that do its a way for them to quickly get the content that they want until we are able to produce the set that they need.

The point of this section is for soundset suggestions to be made and alternative suggestions to be shared, like I originally did and like HECook has just done. All suggestions are also looked at and when we can they are built but as you have already said you are running the adventure now.

HECook, this is great! Thanks for this work. I can’t wait to check it out.

Sorry if I seemed like I was in a rush. My characters (lvl 3) are quite a ways from the gnolls (~lvl 5) and I’m just planning ahead. I get that building soundsets takes time. Your comment to Lindsay here,

is what got my goat, as it were.

I may eventually subscribe at the supersyrin level to check out the sci-fi sets and the community content, but as a current Fantasy subscriber, I’m more interested at the moment in things that may or may not be getting an official release soon.