Gladiatorial Arena

I’m looking for a sound set for a gladiatorial arena. Crowd cheering, booing etc. Does this already exist?

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Ghosts of Saltmarsh chapter 5, The Final Enemy II has an arena. However it’s underwater so the sounds of the crowd have a distinctive underwater sound.

Alternatively, you could employ several crowd sounds together:

Attack on Sandpoint - happy town life, enjoying the games, happy festival chatter
Waterdeep - raucous crowd I, raucous crowd II, general hubub
Yawning Portal - cheers & boos & ohs & ahs

Then drop in whatever battle music, weapon/armor sounds, and beastie sounds are going on on top of it all!

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I hear they used to flood the coliseum sometime…

  • I’ll see myself out…
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Ah yes, the spectacle of naval battles! High Seas Battle for that one, perhaps, or the new Kraken set! :smile: