Genre Player - Mood Changes Not Saved

I noticed that when I rearrange the moods (move one up or one down) they do not save once I exit the application and relaunch. The use case is that I create a campaign and then I go into a soundset in that campaign and rearrange the moods so the ones I want to play are on top and then I save the order. While I’m in the same session it saves fine but once I close and re-open the genre player the order resets.

Hmm… this definitely sounds like a potential bug.
@ryan.cassar Let’s take a look at this?

Curious. I just attempted to recreate this and was not able to do so. Do you see it happen with content I would easily have access to, and if so, are you able to provide some specific reproduction steps? Maybe I am just not understanding the issue, or maybe it only happens in certain SoundSets that I am just not testing, or something crazier still.

Thanks for the report, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this! :hammer_and_wrench:

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Strange. The steps are as follows:

1 - Create new fantasy campaign (in my case, Lost Citadel)
2 - Assign soundsets (for me I used the following):
Minotaur Maze
Wight Battle
TFTS Shadows of the Dusk Queen
WBW2 Bavlorna’s Cottage Encounters
PBSO The Shattered Obelisk
TFTS The Time-Twister’s Daughter
3 - Move certain moods to the top of each soundset. (First example: TFTS Shadows of the Dusk Queen). I move Ettercap and Spider fight, Skeleton Fight and Shadow Fight to the top of the mood list so I don’t have to search for them.
4 - I save the new placements.

I repeat the above for some of the other soundsets. It saves and works fine until I close the fantasy player and then when I re-open it the position of the moods are right back to default.

I’ve done this several times with the same result.

Thanks for the reply! Okay, I just tried this again with Minotaur Maze, and am able to reproduce it, so it seems it may be somehow dependant on which SoundSet we are testing with. In my case, Bugbear Battle seemed to work okay. I did not put Minotaur Maze in a campaign first, so we can at least eliminate that in our quest to find a minimal reproduction steps, but it is not quite clear to me yet exactly what is causing this. More ponderings required!

For reference the steps I found to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to the Minotaur Maze SoundSet.
  2. Edit Moods.
  3. Move Victory above Minotaur Battle.
  4. Save Moods.
  5. Close and relaunch Fantasy Player.
  6. Navigate to the Minotaur Maze SoundSet.
  7. See that Victory is once again below Minotaur Battle.

Ah, I think I have worked it out. It works okay if you have any custom Moods added to that SoundSet. i.e. if you have a new custom Mood added while you do the reordering, then the reordering is preserved. If you delete all the custom Moods, then the customisations are lost (because it makes the false assumption that if it has no extra Moods then we have nothing interesting to save).

This at least hopefully gives you a work around until we fix this!

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Ahh… Great! Thanks so much!

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Well I tried and it didn’t work for me. I can create a custom soundset and reorder sounds but when I close and reopened the custom soundset is not saved and my sounds have reset their order. Thanks for digging into this.

Appreciate the video capture! That helps confirm you look like you are doing everything I did, when it worked for me. Right now, I can’t say what might be happening here, but it is very strange that you lose both the reordering and the custom Mood :confused:

I am not in a great place right now to dig into this, but I’ll try to have another look when I can. Are you able to find the player log files and send them to support for me to look over?

For you, I think they can be found somewhere about here:

%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Syrinscape\Syrinscape Fantasy Player\Player.log
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Syrinscape\Syrinscape Fantasy Player\Player-prev.log

Both Player.log and Player-prev.log might be useful to see, after you have seen the reordering fail (i.e. at the end of that video, after closing the Fantasy Player again, before relaunching). Those logs should then capture the Moods (not?) saving, then the Moods (not?) restoring the next time.

I guess I’m not authorized to upload those file types so I uploaded to dropbox and am dropping links. I just used the files I found as I haven’t done anything with Syrinscape since I closed it from the video. Let me know if I need to do anything else.

Understand this might be a little of a fringe case. Thanks for investigating when you can.

Well, I have good news and bad news.

:+1: Good news: I was able to confirm the issue with the help of your video and submitted log files.

:+1: Good news: Your custom Moods and Mood orderings seem to be getting saved.

:-1: Bad news: They are not getting restored on next load, and as such would get clobbered when/if you try to mess with that SoundSet’s Moods again.

:+1: Good news: I think I now know why this is happening.

:-1: Bad news: Fixing it will require another release of the Offline Players, which is not high on our priority list.

:+1: Good news: I think I have another workaround for you. Please bare with me, as it is going to sound crazy. After you have made whatever Mood changes you like, add another custom Mood that uses an Element from another SoundSet. It should not matter which or from where (could even be the Enigmatic Silence from the Custom Moods SoundSet). As long as there is at least 1 custom Mood that has a foreign dependency, it should force the customisations to load on startup!

Let me know if this helps or not, or if I have not explained the situation well enough :slight_smile:

Thanks very much for chasing this down, ryan. Looks like it works. I need to remember that I need to add the additional custom mood for every soundset that I reorder. If I do that, it looks like it saves.

Appreciate it!

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