Foundry integration?


Is it time for me to sign up to Syrinscape again?

I have just seen the Foundry package update and although it looks exciting. The CSV method is not needed anymore.
I use a remote server.

Do the players still need the Syrinscape player to listen or will the sounds/music play through Foundry, in scenes and ambience settings?

Thank you,

Mr Eagerly awaiting to come back to the fold type person.

while the players still need a player if you don’t have the audio heard I can verify that it just works without any additional hassle anymore. its awesome! From what I understand there were talks going on about possibly intergrating into foundry media player in the future I don’t know if anything has come of this yet.

Thanks for the reply however I’m not sure what you mean.
Please you explain how it works?

Can you set up ambient sounds in foundry that play Syrinscape sounds? Can you have the music playing for a scene from a foundry playlist?

Sorry but I’m excited about using Syrinscape again.

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