Fantasy player vs syrinscape online app

So today I bit the bullet and purchased a sub for syrinscape, and attempted to use it in FGC. there were huge delays. I asked the creator of the extension for FGC about this, and his comment was that the payoff between using fantasy/scie-fi players vs the streaming service is a matter of ease of set up for the online app vs difficulty of setup and having the sounds downloaded.

My question is, with the monthly subscription, am I stuck with just the streaming service, or can I use the fantasy player where I don’t have delayed streaming issues with the sub I payed for? Sorry if this question has been asked and answered in the forums, as I might have missed it.

What subscription do you have? If you have the super syrin subscription then you have access to everything.

These delays. Are you using a Mac? There is a small delay with the call signal on macs that makes them pull up a webpage before triggering the sound. There is a thread on this and I think a temporary solution was found but I can’t pull it up right now.


Any content you have accessORownership for any reason is available on ALL Players.

We are taking a close look to hunt these slownesses on the Online Player right now.

Mostly… THANKS for your support as a sub!!!

Thank you both for your responses. @davinci522, your input was helpful.

@benjamin It is good to hear that you are taking a look at the issue for Online Player. If it helps, I was using FGC and the mattekure syrinscape mod. It worked very well when I was testing the game and links. When players joined, the sounds were delayed by perhaps half a second when it came to the text outputs, but activating the sounds through either the module, or the website or the app resulted in several minutes for them to activate, if they activated at all, and prior themes kept playing after, even though I had closed them out.

As I am not at all knowledgeable about coding or online whatsitfor whatnots and widgetforks, I don’t know if that information will help you or not. Since my players were experiencing the same issues, I would be willing to set things up for a trial run if that would be at all helpful.

Aside from this hickup, I really do love the product you folks have created, and I look forward to digging deeper into what can be done with it.

Again, thanks for the replies.

Depending on the number of elements, and the size of those elements, there can be a delay on first play of an element or elements as the online players work through the preload queue to download all of the samples.

Once they are downloaded, it should be less than 1s from your click to your players hearing the element(s) play, unless there is really high network latency at that moment. Stop commands should not be affected by the preload queue, though, so I would expect stopped elements to begin their 3 second fade-out within 1s.

Since you mention an FGC extension, it’s worth pointing out that this does add an extra step or two in the chain. Next time you have an issue, you could also try jumping into the Syrinscape Master Interface and try to directly trigger some elements and see if it has the same delays.