Fantasy Chase Soundset

A soundset for chase scenes in the fantasy setting would be great. That may include elements like:

Fast paced chase music
Fast wagon movement
Fast horse galloping
Rolling boulder
The place is falling apart run!

Events like:
Wagon impacts
Wagon crash
Birds scattering
Pulling over a stall
People reacting to being pushed
Running on streets (footsteps)
Running on rooftops (footstep)
Climbing a wall
Smashing through a window


Neat! (And the fruit stand, don’t forget the fruit stand. Every good chase scene ever has someone knocking over a fruit stand!)

While I hope the guys find the time for this at some point, I think we could gather together at least some of the sounds for a temporary chase!

Fast-paced music - Oriental Tavern’s fight music. Hell’s Rebel music - red banner battle. Music - Epic Star Battles - everything.

Fast Wagon Movement - not yet!

Fast horse galloping - ISOS’s Never Ending Nightmare - unicorn galloping past.

Rolling Boulder - Sci-Fi player’s Natural Disaster - Earthquake rumbles.

The place is falling apart run! - Earthquake rumbles + Earthquake sweeteners from Sci-Fi player’s Natural Disaster. Chuck in some Mountain Pass “Bridge Collapse” one-shots. Creaking stairs/structure from Angel in the Tower. Blood pumping fast/Heartbeat freaking from Deserted Desert House. Red Dragon City Raid’s smashed building. More things like “knocking” and “scratching” and “gnawing” from Deserted Desert House can add some more unstable sounds in the background.

Wagon Impact - There’s nothing quite like that, but something like Dungeon Depth’s “smashing a wooden door” one shot, along with some horse whinnies from Wagon Journey or Brindle Town might work as a stopgap.

Wagon Crash - Debouched Gala has a one-shot called “table tragedy”, which is supposed to be someone upending a feast table, but has a lot of great elements of something large and wooden (with metal bits) hitting something quite hard. Lunar Prison also has a “big crash” one shot that’s pretty darn good.

Birds Scattering - Attack on Sandpoint’s “swallowtail release” is about the closest sound you’ve got.

Pulling over a stall - (Aw, you remembered the fruit stand!) There’s nothing specific, but something like Tavern Brawl’s - not the furniture! combined with Deserted Desert House’s “knocked off the table” one shot, or maybe Tavern’s Brawl’s there goes the stoneware might suit. Combining the things from Wagon Impact above could also work.

People reacting to being pushed - Tavern Brawl has a lot of good sounds there, grunts and shouts, ouchy noises, thwack, etc.

Running on streets/rooftops - the four NPCs - Ezran - Male Wizard, Valeros - Male Fighter, Merisiel - Female Rogue, and Kyra - Female Cleric all have running sounds (with armor sounds you can turn on or off). Also Sci-Fi player’s Blaster Battle has an element called “running man”, which has footsteps and hard breathing.

Climbing a wall - Nothing particular, though Mountain Pass’ “tumbling pebbles” one-shot would add some aural spice if a part of the wall crumbles on the ascent!

Smashing through a window - Glassworks’ smashing a pane of glass, Lunar Prison’s structural damage.

I hope that helps!

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Wow thats awesome. Cheers for that, should be able to piece together some custom moods. Makes me wish i could move around the oneshots though

I believe you can do that in the Syrinscape Creator, if that’s your jam. :slight_smile:

@HECook you continue to be amazing! :slight_smile: