Fall of Plaguestone - Fantasy Grounds

Just a quick note that I’m going to be running the Fall of Plaguestone adventure over many sessions. Saturdays at 8:00 am MDT until about 11:00 am MDT starting this Saturday, 6/26. I can’t wait to use the full FOP soundset from Syrinscape while I DM . If anyone is interested in popping by the stream to watch, you can find it at Gwydione Stream



Best of luck with the game! I’ll try and swing by to watch :slight_smile:


Here is a quick video of the stream overlay. The player cards light up when they push to talk and their character name shows. Right now it’s just ties to my is so they all light up as I’m testing it.

Gwyd FOP Overlay

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Awesome! Sounds great.

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Hopefully our first session this coming saturday! Unfortunately internet went out in the neighborhood last Saturday…

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First session in the books! Need to turn syrinscape up next session. I included chapter markers for anyone interested. Had a blast!


Fantastic, thanks. I’ll take a look :slight_smile:

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