Esteren Dearg is Epic!

Yesterday I noticed a new sound set in my player named “Esteren Dearg.” I have no idea if this is for a published adventure or not, but I gave it a listen and was floored at how awesome it is! I mean, all of the sound sets produced by Syrinscape are awesome, but this one is so EPIC! The mix of sounds along with the flowing, epic music is superb! Heck, I’ll be using the music alone in my next D&D session, as it is sure to inspire the players into heroic deeds. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for doing such a fantastic job on this sound set, and I hope you produce more like it!


Yeah. We are letting subs see our Draft stuff as it develops from now on. Part of our plans to up the awesomeness of being a subscriber. But… I actually pulled the trigger on this one a bit early by mistake (talent) = which has reminded me to make it a bit clearer in the actual set that this is a work in progress.

It’s sounding pretty EPIC isn’t it! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: People are going to find this music VERY useful in their games.

Stay tuned for more info on what this SoundSet is about!

And most importantly THANKS for your kind words, and THANKS for your support as a sub!


Oh yes, this music is very epic indeed, fantastically sweeping and emotional. I listen to this and I’m going, “How would the movie scene I’m making in my head go with this music?”


Am I allowed to say that Esteren is from the RPG Shadows of Esteren, and that the studio that created this game also released a few music albums, such as “Dearg” which is the name of the official campaign? :smiley:

As a member of the Agate studio, who publishes this RPG, I cannot be more proud to see our music has reached Ben and Syrinscape so fast :heart:


Yes, that soundscape is actually part of the Kickstarter rewards from the last Shadows of Esteren KS campaign, Dearg. The best part about it is the game is just as EPIC as that soundscape is. I am hoping they will release more soundscapes based on the Shadows of Esteren setting and adventures. There should be another Kickstarter coming soon for Dearg part II once the first Kickstarters rewards start going out.