Error when uploading music

I am prepping for a game I’m running this weekend and I created a new soundset for my campaign. I’m trying to upload some music on the web player and getting the following error:

Error: Browser cannot connect to server to upload sample. Please check your internet connection and try deactivating any browser extensions.
Error: 0 error - undefined - error -

The file size is only 3mb and it’s an mp3 file. My internet is fine and stable. I am using Chrome: Version 127.0.6533.72 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Anyone have any tips?

Also, I tried to upload a screenshot to this post but I’m getting the following error: Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again.

Thanks for the report! I don’t think this is anything you are doing wrong. I just did some hammering, and hope it has helped. Did you want to try again for me? :hammer: :bug:

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Thank you Ryan! Your magic hammer did the trick it seems and I was able to upload a music file. I really appreciate you jumping in, thank you!


No worries - happy to help, enjoy your game!

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Yay! Thanks for the prompt report, @andy.damato1016 And thanks for the fix, dev team! :slight_smile: :beers:

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