Encounter with Meenlocks

Anyone have some advice for an encounter with a group of Meenlocks. For some background they are fey creatures that spawn from overwhelming fear. They like to attack people in there sleep telepathically by tormenting them with nightmares of the victims worse thoughts. They look very large insects with claws and like to shadow teleport. Any suggestions would be great. The online player can be overwhelming to search threw some times lol but its great when I can get just the right mood setup.

For general nightmares, Elements - Horror has a number of tension levels that can be useful when the nightmares are going on. Then you could add in more specific sounds, as I would guess the nightmares would be tailored to your PCs individually.

Ranch, Camp, and Tower (from Dragon of Icespire Peak) has an ankheg battle that is a great insectoid battle. The set “shadow giants” has a great element called “shadow trap” that’d be fantastic for your shadow teleport sound.

I hope that helps!

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That is perfect. I am still getting my feet wet with the online player’s tools to customize moods but this helps a lot.


Absolutely, any time!

I’m hearing a lot of good things about the new search in Beta. If possible I would love to try it out and would definitely give feedback.

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I think I’ve flipped all the switches and turned all the knobs for you, good luck, have fun! :slight_smile:

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