Did we get more content to keep for being subscribers?

Hey all. So I remember awhile back that if we were subscribers at the time Descent into Avernus went live we got the whole set to keep. Did that happen again with the Rime of the Frostmaiden? I looked at my profile and it says there are 660 soundscape and 101 of them I own. How do I see what I own?

Yes, every time a product is switched on in the store, all the appropriate subscribers have those SoundSets added to their permanent library.

I’m not 100% those numbers look right…

…if you’d like I can email you a specific list of the stuff you currently own.

Let me know. :slight_smile:

If you could that would be awesome. I did notice that while looking at soundsets it says which I actually own and what I have access to, but knowing what I have would be great. Thank you so much!

Email sent. :slight_smile:

Mainly… THANKS for your support as a sub!


Thank you very much!

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