Defeat / Sad / Happy / Victory ambiance

I am looking to have some good ambiance playing during some intense RP moments when flushing out some deep character backgrounds. There may be some SoundSets with some moods built in with what I’m looking for, but I haven’t found anything that matches my vision.

I absolutely love Syrinscape and what it has done for my game level, but I think it would be good to have some “emotion” based SoundSets.


The music moods don’t really cut it and have been told some of the songs were distracting when in the moment.

Shadows of Estern has a lot of excellent music for moody or sad scenes. A lot of happy scene can be done with tavern music (from Friendly Tavern or Tavern Brawl) and the Journey Music has some pleasant, happy tracks as well. There are a couple of good victory playouts, particularly at the end of Hell’s Rebels and the Rise of the Runelords.

Combining these in the Syrinscape Creator may give you what you need!

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Awesome! Thanks for the info, this will save me a lot of time searching through the Sets. Keep up the good work!

EDIT: Just checked out Shadows of Esteren… AMAZING and exactly what I was looking for! The “Dearg OST - Requiem” is perfect. Thanks again!

I have downloaded a bunch of stuff like that and am working on getting them all uploaded and organized. Once they are I can try and make it community content and share it with everyone

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That’s awesome! Working on the Creator now as well.