Creepy sugarland


I am currently running a campaign in which the players are in a Hansel and Gretel situation where a Night Hag is luring children into her candy house and go to a pocket dimension full of candy.

I have not found a suitable ambience for this encounter. I am looking for the following :

Fantastical whimsical music
Creepy fairy music for the sugarland
child/children backgrounds noise
Night hag encounter music

All suggestion are appreciated.


Your best bet is found in several of the Wild Beyond the Witchlight sets. Most particularly:

Fantastical whimsical music - “introduction music” or “calliope music” from Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Witchlight Carnival 1,“Dandelion music” or “bards of the forest” from Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Arrival in Thither and Locations.

Creepy fairy music - “calliope detuned” from Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Witchlight Carnival 1 or “mirrors of illusion music” from from Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Witchlight Carnival 2

Child/children backgrounds noise - “children laugh & cry” from Wild Beyond the Witchlight - Witchlight Carnival 1, “children screaming” from Goblin Battle (could be fear, could be screaming in fun). If you need a freaky child (a ghost or something) the set Spooky has both a freaky child element and a freaky child one-shot. “Giggles and laughter” from Shadows of Esteren - Dearg. Black Magga Battle has both elements and one-shots for “Tillia screams” and “Tabitha screams”, which are both fairly fearful screams.

Night Hag - Curse of Strahd - Old Bonegrinder - actually has a mood “Hag Battle” that does have night hag battle sounds. But if you don’t like that music, many of the Wild Beyond the Witchlight sets have an element called “fairy fighting music”. Or Music - Hell’s Rebels has a number of excellent fighting music tracts to pick from.

I hope this helps!