Perhaps this is example enough…
I have a custom set called DASFX-Village, it has 11 Music Elements, 1 SFX and 3 1-shots.
When I upload a new element I grab its individual slider and drag it down to various points. Music goes to 50%, SFX to 70%, 1-shots at full. I keep the master volume Higher like at 90% as this all gives me room to increase volumes if a particular element is too quiet without needing to run anything through say Audacity prior to upload.
Now yes, I could create a Mood at this point, but I choose not to, as to why I don’t… The Elements I upload I prefer to use on the fly. I know that when I use them I want the prearranged sound level to be used, but I am unsure where, when and how many elements I want to trigger until it happens in a session. And when I do trigger them it needs to be fast with the minimal amount of clicks to avoid interrupting a session.
I do not pre-plan session to the point where ahead of time I know there will be a marketplace with a child running around and builders at work, I prefer to make a soundset where everything is a possible option.
…so, without a Mood I use the Set (via the online player) for a session ~3 hours long and then at the end of the night I shut it down. Now if I return to a set within a week the volumes seem to retain their prior position but, if its longer or there is a patch to a Online Player everything resets back to 100%
Now, I have as a work around created a “Master Mood” for each of my custom soundsets to work around this… but it’s not a complete fix. In that Master Mood I set everything to the 50/70/100% range as I like I then trigger ALL the elements and very quickly hit the Save Current State button. Its a cacophony of noise as DASFX-Village is the smallest of my custom sets and you have to remember to click the Play mood theme prior to a session so everything gets to the position I need without deafening my players.
So that’s what things are like for me, I have tried other ways to get the Interface to remember things over time without success.
What I would like to see and I mentioned this to people at PAXAus last year, would be 1 of 2 options, preferably both.
Inside each Element, specifically add a “Set Element Volume to” option, this would define position the Elements Volume slider moves to whenever the Set is opened.
Up the top near the button that adds an element or the small/medium/large display add a set of buttons “Set All Music/SFX/1-Shots To X” where I can define X inside the Soundset properties overall (it’d even mean this then was the default to new elements uploaded I think)
Oh and before anyone mentions the “Initial Volume” property for a Soundset or individual elements which I thought was going to do what I am asking for… well the individual element initial volume resets to 100% anytime you refresh the browser or log out/in of Syrinscape and in any event as far as I can tell this just defines the ducking at the start of the element and doesn’t have much to do with overall/long-term volume control.
I really want the capability of setting an individual elements default volume position and a way to set it per element within the elements properties so when I share Elements to other sets I don’t need to worry about trying to add it into a Master Mood which means triggering everything once more.