Create Custom Soundsets Pack - Suggestion


I would like to know if this kind of feature could someday be implemented :sunny:

We could, like now, buy 6 and pay 5, but picking each soundpack we want. I believe it would encourage people to buy them more often, or at least that would create some interest because of the feature. Not to mention it would no longer be necessary to create pre-made soundset packs.

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Interesting idea. :smile:


Well, I would really like if I could choose the audio device without having to switch it in windows all the time, like… for me, at least, would be always set for the virtual audio cable, but that’s very specific to me. And, although it could be better, I wouldn’t call it an issue at all.

Now, controlling loops volume and those sounds we trigger once independently would be nice too. Now we have a master volume and loops independent volume. It may vary from person to person how loud or quiet the ‘sounds we play once’ are compared to the music and stuff.

Right now I can’t think of anything else, I’ve been using the software for less than a week. I have already used it in an adventure and the guys loved it. The software is amazing and I’m very happy that we have all that Syrinscape already gives to our campaigns :slight_smile:

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