Copying custom mood to new soundset

So I took some existing soundsets, copied them so i can modify them. I also created a new soundset. What I want to do now is move some of these custom moods from their existing soundset into the new soundset I created so they are all in one place but cant figure out how to do it. Would appreciate some help. Thanks!!

Hey Paul,

let me help you with this. As you have created your own custom moods and your own soundset already, you are quite far up the road already. The only thing you have to do:

  • go to the soundset with your custom moods.
  • choose the mood you want to copy over by clicking on the dots at the right hand side of the mood list
  • now open the property inspector and go to the mood section. at the bottom of it you will find the “copy to soundset” drop-down menu.
  • choose the soundset you want to copy your mood to and click the copy button.
  • you’re done! :smiley:

I attached a screenshot for reference, so you know where to look. Hope this helps.

Thank you very much!