I put this comment in another thread, but perhaps it got buried due to the topic.
I’m trying to setup Foundry to initiate calls to play sounds and moods.
The first trigger I am working on uses a macro that I can assign to a spell or action:
fetch('https://www.syrinscape.com/online/frontend-api/elements/415635/play/?auth_token=Secret', { mode: 'no-cors'})
This triggers the Bless spell fine, but it is too loud. Is there a way to modify this via the call to set volume of the sound to around 50%? I tried adding a {volume:‘0.50’} but it does not seem to register.
The second is not as critical, but annoying. When I trigger links from the journal to set moods or play one shots, for example: https://www.syrinscape.com/online/frontend-api/moods/28497/play/?auth_token=Secret
It opens a new tab to a Django Rest framework. Is there a way to have that tab not appear?