Hi @spookymizu, sorry that we are only just seeing this now. Always drop us an email to support@syrinscape.com if you are looking for help straight away, one of us is pretty much always looking out for support emails
Purchased SoundSets are yours to keep and use whenever you wish, whereas a SuperSyrin subscription unlocks access to all of the SoundSets and grants full use of all of the Syrinscape tools, such as the Creator and the ability to host audio when playing over a VTT.
Any of our SoundSets can be used in either the original Apps, so for instance the Sci-fi app (were you will find all of the CoC soundsets) Syrinscape Online or our newest App the Syrinscape Web Player and you can switch between apps to suit your gaming needs. You can always use the search function in the apps to easily find your content.
If you are still struggling to find the Soundsets or need any more help or advice then please drop us an email to support and we can happily take a look at your account and help you out. We’ve got to get those sounds going!