Clean Up Global One Shots (Online Player)

Hi guys,

Can someone tell me how I can delete all the global one-shots that have appeared in my Online Player’s Global One-Shots section?

There’s a ton of them here that I won’t ever use. Thanks

Currently, the Online Player shows all of global one-shots. We are planning to add in ways to hide or remove these from your view but it isn’t something we have gotten around to implementing as of yet.

What you can do though is build your own custom soundset and set the one-shots you place in it as global one-shots. These will then appear above the existing ones, meaning the ones you need are at the top and easy to access.

Has this issue been corrected yet? I don’t have much interest is cluttering my screen with effects I have no interest in ever using.

This one has not hit the top of the list of TO DOs yet, but it’s definitely making its way up.

It’s something I personally would really like to have! :slight_smile:

I appreciate the quick response and sadly my next question is a bit off topic but I’m new to this process. I have set up and paid for my account and the UI to set up a custom board does not seem intuitive. The videos I have seen seem to be jumping back and forth from the not online version and the online version. This may be my total ignorance showing itself but all I want to do is sift through the wide range of available Moods and Elements that you have in your library and construct a custom list for use with only the online platform. Do you have a primer or tutorial on how to accomplish this.

I feel like it should be as easy as “Pull up Sound Set, drag the pertinent Moods and/or Elements into a list, click save, and there is your custom list.” What am I missing and how do I fix my understanding of how to accomplish this task?


I’m running into problems trying to manage one shots on the online player. Your post says that they should appear at the top when I add and set them as global but when I’m trying it they appear in the middle of the global one shots. I’ve created a custom soundset, created new elements, marked them as one shots, and selected show in global oneshots. They then show up in the middle of the oneshots. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to make the oneshots I add appear first in the global oneshots section? I’d vastly prefer to actually be able to manage what is in the global oneshots but being able to add stuff at the top would at least be something.
edit–It also appears that if you designate a one shot from a syrinscape soundset as a global oneshot then it is sent to somewhere in the middle of the global oneshots and removed entirely from the elements section. It then becomes impossible to edit the now global oneshot to move it back to elements so setting an element as a global oneshot takes away what little ability we had to determine the order. Do I have to unsubscribe to the soundset then re-add it to fix? Bottom line, this is broken and a really bad user experience. Your advice only seems to make things worse. Am I missing something?

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