Changing order of elements in a soundset

Can anyone advise how to reorder elements within a soundset?

For example: I have a soundset called ‘Mood: Uneasy’. I copied across some elements from another playlist that are meant to be layered - ‘cradle baseline ambiance’ and ‘cradle extreme tension’. Then I added in some other unrelated elements that fit the mood. A few weeks later I’ve found the rest of the ‘cradle’ set, including three other layering effects that I didn’t have before. But now I have the first two ‘cradle’ elements at the top of my soundset, and then have to scroll way down to find the rest of the layering ‘cradle’ effects. I want to put these all next to each other so I can turn them all on/off without having to search for them, but I can’t spot a ‘sort by name’ or something option. Next to each element name is two vertical lines of dots that triggers my mouse cursor to change into the ‘move’ cursor (the one that’s four arrows), but clicking and dragging does nothing.

I’ve looked to see if other people have this issue, and there are a ton of people asking about this back in 2017/2018 but nothing recent that’s relevant. So apologies if it’s been asked before and I’ve missed it! Any ideas appreciated, thanks :slight_smile: