Just downloaded SS Sci Fi Player to my Macbook. I’m running OSX 10.8.5, but according to the specs it should work with 10.6+
When I start the program, it displays “Syrinscape is Loading” for a few seconds, then changes to the error message “Syrinscape was not able to load it’s soundset data. Please check your internet connection”.
My internet connection seems fine, but when I click OK it just repeats this loop (attempt to load, then error message).
I found one other thread with this error message, but the resolution seemed to be somebody fixing an issue on the SS servers, so nothing actionable for me.
I don’t believe the SS servers are down because I can load the app on my iPad just fine, and I also don’t believe there’s any issue with my account since I haven’t had a chance to log into yet on the Macbook.
Any suggestions?