Can purchased sound files be downloaded as audio files on my pc?


If i purchase a sound fx pack, can I download the sound files directly?

Is there a way to purchase the actual files so I can use them outside of the app (private use only - not looking to license them for my own commercial work)


No official way to do that. You have to use the app to play them.


There are actually NO useful ‘files’ in Syrinscape. The soundscapes are made of hundreds of individual, dry, noneffected, nonpositioned samples… it’s the magically Syrinscape machine (and all the parameters that are set in creation) that makes everything sound like it does…

So what you are REALLY wanting to do is capture the output of Syrinscape, which is as easy as capturing any audio stream.

To do this personally, I use a virutla cable as the output of Syrinscape (Syrinscape stays attached to the DEFAULT system output that was set when it was started)… then I use THAT virtual cable as the input device on OBS or Vmix or whatever I am recording with.

This way you can capture the full mixes, and tweak them as a live performance.

You’ll lose all the flexibility of having Syrinscape actually running of course, but you will have the advantage of the sound being a mixed down, single audio file.

All makes sense?

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Where are things with allowing Syrinscape to output to a different audio channel from within the program itself. I use VMix for streaming and to route audio for our shows. It now looks like with Windows 11 that Syrinscape will change to default audio channel no matter what I set it to when Syrinscape is first opened up (make sense)? Really could use that functionality!!