I’m trying to achieve the effect of hearing sounds through a door or wall e t c. Muffled really. Is there a way to do that - maybe with a reverb preset?
Hey @bjornsundell YES!
It’s been something I’ve been meaning to do for ages.
Prompted by this post, I have made two addition Reverb Presets:
Through a light door
Through a heavy door
They both apply a fairly heavy low-pass-filter.
Have a go and see if you like them
Greatness! I will update my Steading of the Hill Giant Chief soundset immedietly! Thanks!
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It’s interesting how different sounds are effected differently. Some end up REALLY quiet and others don’t really change much. It’s all about the specific EQ parameters I put in and then general ‘colour’ of the samples.
I can add additional variations if that helps.
(I note there is no reverb that utilises the very MAXIMUM possible reverberation length… I might add that too)