Campaign Music is tedious at best

Hey, new user here. I just created my campaign and wanted to add a bunch of soundsets to it.
The first issue I found is that there’s no way to sample what comes up in the search which would be very helpful in letting me decide if I do want that set added to the list.
secondly, why the drag and drop? My list got fairly long since I couldnt preview anything and it was very tedious dragging the soundsets in. I tried using the + button but most of the time it wouldn’t actually add the soundset so I was constantly checking and double checking.
These issues really defeated me to the point where once I was ready to get into the sounds now and I had to weed out everything that I selected that I now knew wouldnt work in my game I just wanted to walk away from the experience.
I think a simplified list of the soundsets without the huge artwork accompanying it would help, along with a quick preview of the sounds or at least a description of whats in the set.

Hey Janzenmer,
Yes, finding the sounds/music you want can be a lot of work when you are new to the Scape. As 1) this is a system that functions differently to others and 2) the size of the library.

Drop and drag is not something I do. As everything in the search engine or library has a (+) button that adds it directly to your soundset.

My advice to you is if you are using the “search” there is a little music icon that you can click. This will list all the music elements that contain your key words.
In the “library” I suggest you click the “samples” tab and type MUSIC along with a key word for the mood you want.

oh! and if you want to preview these sounds, there should be a blue arrow or icon (depending of you are using the search or library) for you to click on

If none of this makes sense to you, let me know and I will post a video to explain.