Both Webplayer and Online Player (app) are connected

For some reason I am getting the message “Both Web Player and Online Player (app) clients are connected, but these currently do not play together in sync” when go to to run my Online Player app. I don’t use the Web Player, as for some reason it does not work well for me (distorted sounds). I’m not sure why I would be getting this error message. Is there any way I can remove it?

+1 Here. I am using the correct link, the /master/#/ and i’m getting the same error. This used to be the workaround to avoid the app!

It is still supposed to be!

Anyone in your session might be using the basic player to listen to your game?

Maybe you have a Web Player somewhere without realising it - a random window with, or maybe

Or a VTT integration that comes with a Web Player?

Hi Ryan,
Thanks for the quick reply! I was using the Online Player app last night to create an additional mood for an upcoming D&D session today (in which I will be using the Fantasy Player). So no other players in my online group were online with me. But I had wondered too if the issue was coming from their end in that maybe one of them was using the Web Player at the same time. I checked, and I could see they were all still in my Syrinscape game, but other than that, I was unable to zero in on the source of the error message.

As to the other two troubleshooting suggestions you gave, I did not have the Web Player active elsewhere (it does not work for me at this time, so I avoid using it), and I do not use a VTT that comes with a Web Player.

I’ll post in this thread again if the issue continues or is somehow resolved. I’ll also check in with my players before the next online session (in two weeks) to make sure one of them is not mistakenly launching the Web Player instead of the Online Player app.

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I refreshed about 100xs… and it fixed it!

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