Blessed Computers Error - Again - FIXED

I’ve had this problem occur multiple times and I can’t seem to figure out what is going on. When I try to login to Syrinscape from my desktop computer, it says I’ve reached my device limit and will have to unbless a device to add this one. However, this is the first computer I blessed, and I use it all the time. Moreover, on my list of “Blessed Devices,” this exact computer shows up as being blessed. So I have to unbless this computer just to put it right back onto the list. I have no idea why it keeps doing this, but it happens fairly regularly. What do I do?

Hi Dan, Looking on the server it looks as if you may have changed the name of your PC? I’ve got three machines all showing the same specs but with three different PC names. Which is most likely why you keep getting this error. Do you want to email us at and we can take a closer look for you.

Steve :smile:

No, the computer name has remained the same for years. I have 2 other computers that are blessed as well (my laptop for gaming at other houses, and the PC in my living room), but this is the PC on which I do all my editing and testing of the soundsets, and it just keeps telling me that I have to bless it like it’s a new computer.
As long I can sign in and everything keeps working, I don’t know if I should bother your support department, but it’s a really weird error and I can’t figure out what’s going on.

Right so if you are using it on three machines then you’ve maxed out your blessings, which is fine. Because Syrinscape detects a PC by it’s registry Every time you connect an external storage device such as a memory card that can fool it into thinking it’s a new machine so that could be why it is asking you to re-bless and then because you already have the other PC’s it thinks you have gone over the limit. If that is the case then we can look at clearing all of your devices and see if that helps.

(I am support by the way so emailing us is no trouble!, sometimes it’s just a bit easier when working out whats not working and sharing details :slight_smile: )