Beta release of Obsidian plugin

Do you use for your campaign management? Have you ever wished you could control Syrinscape from inside Obsidian?

Well, now you can! I have released a beta version of a plugin for Obsidian which lets you search for oneshots and moods with auto-complete and then insert play/stop buttons for the sounds as markdown right in your Obsidian notes.

Now, when you open the page describing a room or a scene you can have the play/stop buttons for the mood for that room right there a the top of the page (or whereever you want them).

You can include links to Syrinscape oneshots right in the monster cards you’ve written with Fanstasy Statblocks and never forget to have the cool sound effect when the enemy casts Magic Missile or critically hits with a sword!

This is a Beta release, so it’s had exactly one tester - me. Please feel free to install it using the BRAT beta release auto-update tool for Obsidian and then log issues or feature requests in github if you find any. (Bugs? Bugs?!? Inconceivable!)

The URL to use in BRAT to download the plugin is

Edit: fixed name of BRAT tool


Hey there, this is awesome! Just what I’ve been looking for.

The Github says “While you can edit this yourself, the code completion feature is how you will generally interact with Syrinscape”. Maybe I’m still just an Obsidian noob, but which code completion feature is this talking about?

I don’t see anything in the General Settings or Core Plugins for this, and the Community plug-ins I tried (Completr, Copilot Auto-Complete) did not give me a drop-down menu like the one in the screenshot in the README.

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It’s a poor choice of words on my part, is what it is.

I meant that instead of manually typing out the numbers, the auto-complete function (part of what is included with the plugin) searches based on the sound name and will fill in the number for you.

No other plugins needed.

I’ll update the readme on GitHub.

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I just spotted that you said you’re not getting the autocomplete popup. Make sure you specify your authorization token in the settings. Without that, you won’t get the pop up.

You should get a notification that it has downloaded the remote links.

And make sure you use your auth token and not your password.

I’ve enhanced the plugin substantially from this initial announcement, so the auto-complete is now super fast and it fetches your personalized Remote Control links from Syrinscape only once a day.

Please make sure you have version 1.1.0 or later installed. It’s the version that has a settings button to manually clear your remote control links.