Do you use for your campaign management? Have you ever wished you could control Syrinscape from inside Obsidian?
Well, now you can! I have released a beta version of a plugin for Obsidian which lets you search for oneshots and moods with auto-complete and then insert play/stop buttons for the sounds as markdown right in your Obsidian notes.
Now, when you open the page describing a room or a scene you can have the play/stop buttons for the mood for that room right there a the top of the page (or whereever you want them).
You can include links to Syrinscape oneshots right in the monster cards you’ve written with Fanstasy Statblocks and never forget to have the cool sound effect when the enemy casts Magic Missile or critically hits with a sword!
This is a Beta release, so it’s had exactly one tester - me. Please feel free to install it using the BRAT beta release auto-update tool for Obsidian and then log issues or feature requests in github if you find any. (Bugs? Bugs?!? Inconceivable!)
The URL to use in BRAT to download the plugin is
Edit: fixed name of BRAT tool