Background music

So I really love all of the sound effects and music loops for locations, but I’ve been having a hard time finding more generic background fantasy type music. I have a supersyrin account, so I should have access to most of the content if anyone has some good suggestions to look into.

There are terrific sounds for a tavern, or exploring a cave, or the sounds of a town or market at various times. Sometimes, however, I’d just like something that can fade into the background a little easier. Something to sit behind the sounds and sort of connect them. From the music loops I’ve sampled, they feel more like part of the scene rather than setting a mood, if that makes sense?

Thanks! And please let me know if I was unclear.

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Have you tried Preserver Artifacts on the Sci-Fi Player? Those are a very mood-like, but also a bit softer and work for background stuff.

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Hey, thanks for the prompt reply! I gave a listen to those you suggested and they weren’t quite what I was looking for. Unsurprisingly, they’re a bit more sci-fi, but besides that, they feel more like place setting than background music to me. Like if I was running a group on an abandoned space ship or something.

I guess what I’m looking for is some bgm for the generic, which I then switch away to for specific sounds. I know I’m giving a crappy explanation, but I’m looking for something of a default. When they’re in their rooms, or at a shop, or whatnot. Less “you are in the market”, or “visiting a farmhouse” and more “you’re RP’ing, so let’s have a little music just in the background”.

You might want to take a look at some of the Board Game Player’s music. Catan and Orphans and Ashes have some fairly relaxed theme music that might suit.

Or maybe try the new Shadows of Esteren soundset in the Fantasy player. Very moody!

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