Android Mouse wheel support

Hello !

It seem’s to me that Syrinscape Fantasy player (bkplayer.apk) for Android doesn’t support mouse wheel ?

On my Win10 PC i can scrool Soundset, Moods and Elements with the mouse wheel, but not on my Android Tab.

Any idea ?


Yeah. This is a good one for our list of TO DOs.

Also… I reckon it would be easier if the scroll bars we wider (even maybe customisable in settings)?

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Seem’s good too :slight_smile:

Now i don’t care so much, because i finally decide to play with my Win10 Laptop, cause even if the Android Tab is smarter (far taller, far lighter, no need of power supply even for a long session, etc.) all the limitations of Android (like sound mixing limitation for multiple applications like Spotify+Syrinscape or Spotify+Youtube, and a lot of others smalls but many disadvantage) decided me to finally move on Win10.