While I’m posting an update to my volume cap question, another issue came up now that we just started our sessions again last night. If anyone else is screensharing SOUND ONLY on zoom, have people noticed that sound appears to come through at first and eventually stops piping through to the room? I’m guessing that this may be tied to one of a few things, but I’m just grasping at straws here:
Playing for too long (2-3 hours) and zoom somehow stops broadcasting or prioritizing sound?
The same as above, but related to volume on syrinscape dropping below a certain threshold? I mention this specifically because sometimes pressing a oneshot makes it bounce back.
Some kind of relationship to sound only sharing being overwritten by too many people talking and then never coming back?
If others are experiencing any of this I’d appreciate the help. Again, this usually starts out fine, then just disappears toward the end of a session and has been tough to replicate (happens every session, but you need to wait a ways in usuall).