Advice for new DM, round the table

Hi. I am new to this and my group is new to D&D (well I as DM played 20+ years ago haha).

We play together round the table every 3 weeks or so, currently playing LMOP.

How can I implement this system into our games? For example I am DMing down in the living room, I currently use the Ipad for referencing things…and the TV(Youtube) for music at the moment.

We also have an Alexa in there.

How can I practically use Syrinscape? Would I need to use the Ipad? Then could I somehow link and play the sounds through the Alexa? The Ipad sound itself isnt great imo.

Thanks for any info.

I usually use the offline player from my laptop if I’m gaming around the table, with connected speakers small enough that they can be moved easily. But if Alexa can play music from your tablet, no reason it can’t play Syrinscape.

Hopefully the more technically-minded folks on here can give you more details.

Ok thanks for the info. Ill look into it.

I don’t know how good music sounds on an Alexa, but you could also purchase a bluetooth speaker that you can connect to your tablet. That way you could place the speaker on or near your gaming table so the players could hear the sound effects and music better. I keep my bluetooth speaker above me on a bookcase which faces the gaming table and players so everyone can hear the sounds clearly. I currently use my tablet to run Syrincape at the gaming table, but if you had a laptop, that works too.