I am trying to figure out how to add layered music while keeping it in sync. Technically I have figured out a way to make it work but I really want to make sure that I am doing what is considered best practice.
I have 3 tracks, 1: Minimal no drums 2: Minimal with drums 3: adds choir on top.
I want to be able to switch between the tracks so the music is consistent as the mood changes. For example the start of a fight is minimal but during the big boss move we switch to 2, then when the party almost dies dial it up to 3 to increase the tension.
Tangent but related: In my example each track is meant to be played on its own as track 2 includes everything in track 1, and 3 includes everything in the first two. A situation where track 1 is melody, track 2 is drums, and 3 is choir, would also fit this question as you will want to layer them together while maintaining their sync.
It seems like when you switch a mood it continues tracks that are already in progress but if it starts a new track it doesn’t sync it with what is already playing.So track 1 might be at the one minute mark but when you switch moods to play track 2 it starts at 0 so the loop is broken. In the situation where the tracks have to play together this would cause everything to be way off.
What I have done to make it work is have all tracks playing in all moods but just muting the ones that I want to turn “off”, then when I switch to another mood it only adjusts the volume but everything keeps playing.
This super long explanation is probably overkill so sorry, but I just want to make sure there isn’t an easier/better way to maintain the sync in case having everything always playing is not resource effecient.
Thank you!