Adding a specific sound to custom moods - RESOLVED

When I try to add Grandthunderousorgan from the Spooky sound set to any Custom Mood and then try to save said custom mood it will not auto play when I try to open that custom soundscape again. I feel like it may be a bug. Also there are no spaces in the name Grandthunderousorgan. I am not sure if it is by design or another issue.


@salcani1984, I tried making a test mood including the Grandthundrousorgan element. I got the same glitch you did. I’ve only gotten it to work when I close the player, open it again, play that mood first. However, if I played another soundset, then tried to switch to the test set, no dice. The other elements I put in the test set worked, just not the Grandthuderousorgan element. As a matter of fact, the third and fourth times I was experimenting, I saw the Grandthunderousorgan element wasn’t even playing - it wasn’t even active. It was like the test custom mood didn’t even remember that was supposed to be part of it.

So… right now, that element in the custom mood only seems to work if you play it upon first opening and never switch away from it. It seems to work consistently if it’s just the first played. You can pause it and play it, and the Grandthunderousorgan element will play. But if you play any other set, then try to switch back to a custom mood with that element, the Grandthunderousorgan element won’t even activate.

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Hmmm Thanks for this @salcani1984 and @HECook, It’s not something I was aware of but is definately worth us taking a look. @benjamin any ideas?

This is similar to the problem I’m having. I added two custom moods to Brindol Town and neither will play. Click them, and the button and elements “light up”, but nothing moves, and no music plays.

Can you recall what sounds you used for the custom moods? It is easier to help if one can trace your steps and maybe duplicate the error. :wink:

Some samples within Syrinscape are designed to just play the once, such as an explosion when a mood first triggers and some are designed to play in a sequence so if you add those to a custom mood they will again follow those same rules. Also some of the music tracks have long delays so it can appear that they are not playing but actually they are just on a long timer, Witchwood is a perfect example of that.

So when you build a custom mood do listen to the elements individually first to check on it’s behaviour (Initial delay and frequency). @netjera which elements seem to be causing you the problem with your custom mood and how do they function if you just trigger the element separately?