For the majority of the soundsets having the sounds come from almost totally random directions works great. But it would be nice (Especially for those with 7.1 surround sound) if there were more soundsets that had some specific sounds from a specific direction. For example in “Storm” my group ends up joking about how quickly those upset horses move around the room. And while on the topic, it would be awesome if within “Storm” there was a mood that was basically “Storm gathering in the west” and then have it be very similar to “Gathering Storm” but have all the distant thunder come from one side.
Some other examples of scenarios that would benefit from a more locked position
-Opposing cannon fire alternating between left and right
-The river/waterwheel/watermill in magnimar
-The fountain in the fountain room
-Musicians in taverns
-The named voices in taverns coming from the almost the same spot
-Stony beach having one half be the water
Anyway, it is may be too much work to go back and redo them, but something to keep in mind for future sets possibly.