Will Syrinscape run in the background on iPads and Android Tablets - HELP TESTING

Try this!!!

Download and give it try. Let us know how you do! I’ve found the stability of the audio to be a bit variable, depending on:

  1. the power of the device
  2. the power settings of the device
  3. the complexity of the SoundSet
  4. Syrinscape is just that full on of a multichannel, live effects, 3D sound app thing…

Is this version released for public yet, so it will run in Android background?

Not yet but it’s due for release VERY soon. We just need to survive PaizoCon and UKGames Expo first :slight_smile:

Definitely try out the test build though and let us know how you get on

@Norgalis Working for you?

I have found performance is highly variable, depending on device power vs SoundSet complexity.

(pretty much the reasons we have been giving for years for why we HAVEN’T enabled this feature before) :smiley:

Working ok on Galaxy S8, but I have another problem now :wink: While gaming I am using both Syrinscape and Spotify. Unfortunately now, with the newer version, I can only use either as when I push the “play” button on Spotify… Syrinscape immediately stops and it can not be turned on again (have to reset the application). With the previous version I could use both players at the same time, Syrinscape only stopped playing while it was in the background.

Keep on the good work, we are almost there! :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this working on iOS as well? Last time I tried it it didn’t work T_T

iOS wont allow Syrinscape to run in the background, in the same way it can’t run GarageBand unfortunately. Syrinscape Online however runs in a browser and so will be able to run in the background on iOS. The PC and Mac version of the online Player are already out and we are working on the iOS and Android versions at the minute so they should be released a little later this year :slight_smile:

OK. Here is the latest build with Unity 5 and a few audio bug fixes… seems to work pretty well for me.

@przemyslaw_kotlinski Yes, running Spotify kills Syrinscape dead. Can’t even imagine why… I guess Spotify is a driver hog.

Ok, at least Syrinscape allows D&D Beyond to be running over the top of Syrinscape in “slide over” mode. It’s looking pretty good on a big iPad. The Master/Minion setup would work well if there was WiFi at the venue we use. Would Split View support be feasible if you get background audio working? Or is that an option that could work on iOS to allow richer multitasking without background support?

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bkgaudio.apk seem to work well on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A and on my One Plus 5.

Will it be release as the official release ?

WIll this come to the play store beta channel?

Is the only way to get Syrinscape to play background on an iPad still to do is remote thing? I havent had much lucking to use split screen and it does eat half my screen ;-/

See in this video:

You can drag the screen divider to the right to make the Online Player only take up a small section of the screen, keeping the rest of the screen available for doing whatever else you need to.

Works for you?

Thank - that sort of works. I guess my problem is i’m trying to use the ipad for safari, onenote and syrinscape at the same time and one wrong move will open an app full screen and kill this. It does work but its a pain - I suppose if i used onenote via its web interface instead as a tab too of the app it would work better… I also tried to set up my phone linked to a blutooth speaker where the chrome tab is on the ipad, the linked phone plays the sound (just to get the player app off my screen) but for whatever reason no sound somes out of the phone. This is what i get for trying to use an ipad as a laptop. Thanks Ben! When i get a laptop this will be awesome.

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Has background play with the Online app on Android and iOS ever been solved, or is it still being planned? The most recent version of the Android app (1.4.11-p9), at least, doesn’t continue playback if you switch apps - in fact, about half the time switching apps unsyncs you from the GM and you can’t hear anything again unless you close and restart the app and the GM starts a new track.

We did build prototypes for this, but the devices we tested on were not able to give performace or audio consistency that satified us. Basically, when the app goes into the background, pretty quickly, priority is taken away from it and audio breaks up.

INSTEAD you can now more simply use multitasking to achieve what you are needing here. IPad does quite a good job with multitasking, which lets me run the Online Player side by side with a browser running the Master UI.

There’s a video of me doing that here:

I can get this to work on an iPad, but it doesn’t work on splitscreen on an Android phone. On an iPhone, we can get music to play while the user is also in voice-chat in Discord, but the Online app needs to be in focus.

The specific use-case we’re trying to solve is for a player who needs to be able to hear music and participate in a voice chat in Discord, with Discord in focus (so that text chat is visible). Seems like the Online app can’t manage this, unfortunately.

Perhaps it depends on the device, I suppose (Android is a much more varied environment).

Is the Discord you mention running in a browser or the app? Trying the other one of the two which is not the one they are using at the moment might make a difference?