Ultimate Kenku with Discord Bot to use Syrinscape with Local Sound for Online Play

Holy heck! I just figured out I can launch Syrinscape online on my iPad and either launch the player only on my computer or within kenku and it seems to work great! Not sure how much processing it will save on my computer but just being able to use my iPad to control Syrinscape and free up screen real estate is awesome!


I use a google tablet to do the same, so the reason in my tutorial I copy the player from the web location URL and put it into Kenku.

Some have suggested running Syrinscape totally in the Kenku player as well so no need to put the player in there just run Syrinscape from Kenku, and that works great if you were doing it all on the same PC (and save some latency).

I am still mulling over in my head how to do an ultimate tutorial, there are so many possibilities here the mind is swimming! :slight_smile:

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Yep. Control has always been decoupled from playback :grin:

I have taken a stab at an ultimate version, with a few problems that might come up and also I make sure to mention that the suggested method of using Discord is to have the Syrinscape directly inside the Kenku FM player. Let me know what you think. :slight_smile:

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I use Foundry in Kenku and use Syrincontrol mod, I don’t even need Syrinscape open at all. It’s then piped through discord.

I’ve had no problems at all.

FYI there is a new version of Kenku FM (1.2.1). The anoying cracking noises I may have sometimes are almost gone, no problem with latency. :+1:


1.3.1 now…just so you are aware.

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And now 1.4.0! The guys at Kenku FM are very busy improving it. Not tested yet but it seems that it is way better than the older versions.

Remind me… I paid for Kenku but do you need to pay/donate for each upgrade? I don’t remember it notifiying me when there is a new version.

Disregard. Looks like it auto-updates as I just launched and it shows 1.4… :slight_smile:

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Hi Amerisun,

Thanks so much for the YouTube on setting up Kenku to stream Syrinscape into Discord via a bot. This worked like a charm when I first set this up, but for the past few months, my players can no longer hear Syrinscape at all. The Syrinscape bot “lights up” in our voice channel, indicating that it’s “speaking” aka the sounds effects are coming through. Everyone can see the bot lighting up, but yet, I’m the very only one that can hear anything at all. It’s been suggested that Discord did an update a few months ago which may be causing some issue. Do you know of any way to trouble shoot why this might be happening?

Discord did do an update a couple of months back, which did change the way they handled things and resulted in breaking existing Kenu bots. Kenku put out a update shortly afterwards to correct for the changes. so provided you have the latest versions of Discord and Kenku it should be working again now.

If not, then you may want to try setting up a new bot and giving that a try, just in case the changes needs to be baked into the bot itself?

Also something else to check, you can setup the bot into another server and try it. Permission structures and how the bots are configured changed also not too long ago, but existing bots should still be working.

I did notice some of people having issues, but mostly because they changed where their bots permissions were or the channel it was in. So double check the bot actually has voice permissions correctly for the channel.

I’m following the more technical option with the VB cable, as I’m in a remote area. I’m on Mac, and I can’t find a way to connect Syrinscape to the VB cable.

Just to confirm, do you have the mac VB cable?

Hello there,

I have a Mac and I have been trying to find a way to pipe Syrinscape in to Foundry VTT for yonkers. I am about to rejoin Syrinscape but just doing some checks with the free version before I do.

However this is what I have done, I am not very technical so please bear with me. And there is a one off fee for what I have paid which was worth it…so far.

I downloaded and bought Loopback, which is a virtual cable type thing for routing sound sources to outputs. $99 USD.

I am also using LiveKit so that my players can use audio/video in the Foundry game.

I have created a virtual “Player” that joins my Foundry game but has no interaction with anything, all the settings are off even the canvas is off. All that is happening there is that LiveKit music input is live and coming from the Loopback instance.

I have downloaded Syrinscape offline player, and I have linked, with Loopback, the offline player to the virtual player in Foundry and that virtual player is emitting the sounds. Other players can adjust the volume of the virtual player.

So far this is amazingly good, so much so that I am going to rejoin Syrinscape, however in ALL my previous time with Syrinscape I never used the offline player before, therefore now sure what I am doing regarding content.I think I need to ask someone. The UI is amazing!

Currently using Syrincontrol or using the Syrinscape webapp the sound is bitty and scratchy. However the offline app is really clear and good quality. I have tested it with other players. Also the offline player takes a fraction of the CPU that the online version does for some reason.

Also with Loopback I can pipe through YouTube, Apple Music, anything that has a sound source.

@benjamin or @Steve

Can you help me at all please? I have missed Syrinscape so much! I think I am going to actually celebrate that I have finally managed to do this.


Always happy to help out.

Got questions? :slight_smile: Ask away!

I think you have answered my first two questions on the other thread I created.

My follow up question was going to be about creating reliable moods and soundsets. Which you answered before I could ask it.

So far I much more prefer the offline player, the UI is amazing and much quicker and responsive. I can pipe it through to Foundry via Loopback.
With this and Syrincontrol my game has become unbelievably more immersive. :slight_smile:

I have a question, when you search in the offline player, does it find the word within any of the soundsets available not just in titles of soundsets or moods?

Thank you for putting this video together, it’s very thorough and very well done. The Kenku interface has changed a lot and no longer works the way the video shows as some options are in different places. It’s all still there, and if you follow the instructions on the Kenku help section it’ll get you to the right places. It’s definitely a little confusing as the menu options are not the same as the video.

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