Ultimate Kenku with Discord Bot to use Syrinscape with Local Sound for Online Play

Can you try running Fantasy Grounds through Kenku? Kenku is $5 for the app.

The Fantasy player also requires each individual soundset to be manually downloaded and installed before it can be used, and has very basic search capabilities.

This is one of the reasons I had used this method, because I downloaded everything locally it was almost immediate to Discord. I had used the Online Player to search and build my soundsets and then the Fantasy Player to play them locally.

You can also just copy the Syrinscape Share Audio link to your players and have them listen directly in their browser running alongside Discord. This should sound better and have less latency. You can still use Kenku FM to mix-in other sound sources to Discord.

This gives me more ideas for the ultimate tutorial. Showing all the ways to use Syrinscape first through Kenku and Discord (unfortunately some players just won’t put in the effort, so it’s better the DM can prep and ensure sounds are played) or using the new Web Player and using Kenku to augment sounds with locally created sounds, etc.

Also the other discussions of @Abourious and @lordgwydione gives me some additional idea to add to that tutorial.

I think challenge is for most people, with all the information on the forum and some people doing it some way, and others doing it another, it’s more difficult for someone that is not technically savvy to digest these things and understand the various options and which is best for them. So I want my ultimate tutorial to make it easy to follow for those less technically inclined. :slight_smile:

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Indeed, trying to follow a tutorial that covers many different options can be overwhelming.

Our aim and IMO the simplest option with the least latency and best quality sound is to let the VTT (e.g. Foundry with SyrinControl integration, and hopefully other VTTs soon) to just do it all without the need for the players to do anything at all, and for the GM to just enable the VTT integration and provide an auth token.

For any VTTs without an integration, the next best option is for the GM to copy the Share Audio link to players. It’s pretty easy for players to follow a link. Still nothing to download or install, no account required, etc.

For those using a VTT without an integration, or with players who are using an iOS device or other low powered device that can’t run the web player, or who just really don’t want their players to even click a link, then Kenku FM could help with that.

On the issue of latency for the Online/Web player vs the Fantasy Player, we already preload scheduled samples (e.g. a monster growl every 5-30 seconds while “growls” element is active). Only oneshots and the very first sample when triggering an element which has no initial delay will have to wait for a sample download. We hope to add a preload for those, as well.

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One thing I’m still confused by. In your post above it says you log into foundry from inside Kenku? I guess that confuses me as foundry is an app like FGU I thought so not sure what you mean or why you open foundry from inside of Kenku? I think I’m just misunderstanding?

My Foundry is hosted by an online server so I access it through a browser. I was using Chrome, but it makes my CPU melt in conjunction with Syrinscape.

So I access it within the browser that’s provided by Kenku.

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access it within the browser that’s provided by Kenku.

It makes perfect sense that it’s running faster in Kenku, Kenku is based on the Electron JS framework, and the browser window that application is using is a very stripped down Chrome.

It’s based on the Chromium open source project that is the heart of Chrome, so you don’t get all the bells and whistles from Chrome or Edge (also Chromium based), but you get the core browser functionality you would get in Chrome or Edge.

Firefox is the only one of the bigger browsers now that is not based on Chromium and has their own engine.

Got it! Makes complete sense now! Thank you.

Thanks for this tutorial. I use FGU, Discord with Kenku Bot and Voicemeeter with virtual audio cable. I can use Syrinscape Online player, Youtube Music and Tabletop audio inside Kenku without any noticeable latency. Looking forward for your Ultimate Tutorial though!

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Fully agree with downloading the soundsets and running them locally. I feel like there is no lag and I have had issues with the soundsets popping in and out on Kenku from time to time. I actually used your tutorial before with making a Syrinscape bot, but I couldn’t get the program you suggested, I think it was Discord Pipe, to work on my mac. The problem I had was that I always had to switch to my windows side to run the program. Using Kenku FM makes it way easier and it really isn’t that hard to follow the instructions online from the documentation to create the discord bot and get it up and running. Thanks for another useful tutorial. I had to cancel my subscription a couple of months back, but this makes it look like I will become a subscriber again.


Holy heck! I just figured out I can launch Syrinscape online on my iPad and either launch the player only on my computer or within kenku and it seems to work great! Not sure how much processing it will save on my computer but just being able to use my iPad to control Syrinscape and free up screen real estate is awesome!


I use a google tablet to do the same, so the reason in my tutorial I copy the player from the web location URL and put it into Kenku.

Some have suggested running Syrinscape totally in the Kenku player as well so no need to put the player in there just run Syrinscape from Kenku, and that works great if you were doing it all on the same PC (and save some latency).

I am still mulling over in my head how to do an ultimate tutorial, there are so many possibilities here the mind is swimming! :slight_smile:

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Yep. Control has always been decoupled from playback :grin:

I have taken a stab at an ultimate version, with a few problems that might come up and also I make sure to mention that the suggested method of using Discord is to have the Syrinscape directly inside the Kenku FM player. Let me know what you think. :slight_smile:

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I use Foundry in Kenku and use Syrincontrol mod, I don’t even need Syrinscape open at all. It’s then piped through discord.

I’ve had no problems at all.

FYI there is a new version of Kenku FM (1.2.1). The anoying cracking noises I may have sometimes are almost gone, no problem with latency. :+1:


1.3.1 now…just so you are aware.

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And now 1.4.0! The guys at Kenku FM are very busy improving it. Not tested yet but it seems that it is way better than the older versions.

Remind me… I paid for Kenku but do you need to pay/donate for each upgrade? I don’t remember it notifiying me when there is a new version.

Disregard. Looks like it auto-updates as I just launched and it shows 1.4… :slight_smile:

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Hi Amerisun,

Thanks so much for the YouTube on setting up Kenku to stream Syrinscape into Discord via a bot. This worked like a charm when I first set this up, but for the past few months, my players can no longer hear Syrinscape at all. The Syrinscape bot “lights up” in our voice channel, indicating that it’s “speaking” aka the sounds effects are coming through. Everyone can see the bot lighting up, but yet, I’m the very only one that can hear anything at all. It’s been suggested that Discord did an update a few months ago which may be causing some issue. Do you know of any way to trouble shoot why this might be happening?