Soundset not uploading - FIXED

Been trying to upload the soundset i made to the server for the last 30 mins and nothing seems to be making it work.

Checked all the elements and dropdown menus to see if there was something missing and everything looks good from what I can see.

Hi @Sirgitano,
Three things to check, which might be the problem

  1. Are all of the samples 16bit, 44.1k Wav or Ogg files with all meta data removed?
  2. Did you select which player to upload to? (That’s the one I always forget!)
  3. Are any of the mood names duplicates of other mood names? This sometimes causes the Syrinscape SoundSet Creator to get confused

Sometimes it does take a little while to upload but after half an hour it should be there so hopefully it’s one of the above!

Can you be a little bit more specific? Is the upload not working (no upload percentage visible) or is it working and it doesn’t show on the server?

If it’s the latter, have you tried this?

Shutdown the creator completely (quit the tray icon thingie), go to the mentioned folder and delete the content in there, restart the creator. Sometimes the upload starts right away, sometimes you have to klick the upload button again.

Also: make sure to upload it into the cloud, use the :cloud: icon. Do not export it, that way it won’t show on the server or anywhere else.

All sounds where sounds in Syrinscape not ones I found or made.

thanks ill try that too

Ok cool, let me know what you named the soundsets and which player you selected for it to appear in and I can hop onto the server and take a look. Does it appear in your campaign manager on the website?

Named it 5ED strahd and its under fantasy. it does show in the campaign manager. I got it to upload once before. Then i made more stuff for it and tried to upload it again and it wouldnt.

I tried what new_vision said to try and it said that it uploaded but still not showing up in the app.

Looking on the server we have 5ED Strahd which was uploaded yesterday and then 5ED Strahd (1) which shows as just being uploaded Soooo in theory it should now be showing in your player.

If it is still not showing then it may be worth deleting them both from the campaign manager and then re-uploading the version that you want. Other than that I can’t see whats causing the issue, @benjamin may have some ideas?

Looks like it still didn’t upload from the creator. I changed the name to 5ED Strahd All so as to be different from the other one on the manager. Which i did delete too.

I am having the same problem, I will follow your thread

Right I’ve just had a look through the soundset and think I may have found the problem. On the last 3 moods you have used pt.1, pt.2 etc, sometimes we’ve found that the creator doesn’t like none alpha symbols. Try renaming the moods pt one, pt two etc. and then re-upload it. I’m going to delete the two that show on the server so that when you upload yours there will be nothing for it to clash with.

Hi @vanvought, are you still having problems uploading yours as well? Does it appear in your campaign manager on the website? If so what is it called and I can take a look :smile:

Hi @Steve thanks for your attention, yesterday i made a Soundset that i called " Circolo Druidico “. i’ve been able to upload it to the cloud, then i was able to see it in my campaigns page and i’ve addet it to mine custom campaign. i was able to see it in the app on both my phone and my pc. Then after i had tested that it worked i had worked on it again adding moods and copied it with a new name " Rituale al Circolo Druidico " and tryed to upload it the same way the one before. Then i realized that it didn’t updated the old one, it didn’t loaded the new in my campaigns pages and i was not able to open it either from my pc or by the app on my smartphone. Then i’ve tried to erase the old one from the campaign page and from the syrinscape creator and kept only the new one hoping that was caused by the double entry. Problem persist and now i don’t see the old one too xD
I ask all of you readers to forgive my poor english ^^”

When i select Upload Sunset to the cloud it charge with the blue bar, but it doesn’t log any message about it, don’t know if it should have to

Firstly your English is good, much better than my Italian! :smile:

Looking on the server I can not see either Circolo Druidico or Rituale al Circolo Druidico so I think you have deleted the first one but the second one has not come over to the server.

A few things that might be to blame are;

  1. Make sure that you only use standard letters in the mood names, the creator does not like accented letters like É or symbols
  2. Make sure you have set which player it needs to go to. That’s the bit I always forget!
  3. When you hit the upload button the blue bar will move across the screen a few seconds afterwards the log on the bottom left will start to show the upload progress. This can take a few minutes to finish, depending on the size of the soundset. Once the update has hit 100% you can close the Syrinscape SoundSet Creator.

If you give it another try I will keep an eye on the server here for it

with wich player you mean "fantasy / boardgame / sci-fi ? " uploaded again btw

i just realized that if i press F5 in the syrinscape creator page and refresh it, the soundset keep going back to a blank space in the “category” slot, even if i change it to fantasy and then upload it to cloud once again

Yes that’s right. You need to tell if if you want it to appear in the Fantasy or Sci-fi player. Before uploading always check that the player is set otherwise it will upload but then just sit on the server

@Steve i made another try, i created a new Soundset, starting from the very beginning setting up the “fantasy” category, then i’ve created 1 mood and imported 1 sound just to try if this was the right order in wich i shall move, the Soundset is called “Rito al circolo druidico”. i’ve done the same creating a second one “Citta Paesi” with only 1 mood with 1 element, under the fantasy category and tried to upload one then the other. I still have the blue bar moving, the log doesn’t show up anything about the uploading
Importing soundset: Magnimar (big city) (moods: 20%)
Importing soundset: Magnimar (big city) (moods: 40%)
Importing soundset: Magnimar (big city) (moods: 60%)
Importing soundset: Magnimar (big city) (moods: 80%)
Importing soundset: Magnimar (big city) (moods: 100%)
Importing magnimar, Status: success,”

and it doens’t add up info when i upload my soundsets.
the only difference is that now, if i press F5 in the screator page, the 2 soundets keep both the “fantasy” category that in the previous one was going back to blank

With the current build you can only upload one soundset at a time and it could be that your earlier soundset is still causing a problem. Try Shuting down the Creator, after you shutdown, make sure this directory is empty:C:\Users[YOURUSERNAME]AppData\Local\Syrinscape\Syrinscape SoundSet Creator\media\export

Then restart and try to upload just one soundset, hopefully that will then upload to 100%.

Steve crosses fingers and hopes :smile:

it worked, something must have been crawling in the dark xD

I solved the problem by:

Right clicking on the icon down right near the clock on the windows bar (noticing for the first time that it was there btw xD )

  • Shutting down the application
    right click again:

  • Open sample folder
    right click again:

  • quitted the application

  • From the sample folder i’ve reached the \media\export

  • Cleared from a serie of i think 10 different files accumulated

  • lunched once again the creator

setted up the fantasy choose and then uploaded, Now the Log is showing me that it’s uploading and the % is increasing while i write this reply… till now that it’s completed.
now i’m able to see it in the campaign manager “Rituale al Circolo Druidico” and after few minutes from adding it to the campaign manager i’ve been able to use it on both pc and smartphone.

Thank you very much for your support, i can’t wait to create many more atmosphere for ours d&d game ^^

for future upgrades to the application, i shall suggest to add the feature with the right click to go to the export folder as there is for accessing to the sample folder
thanks again and have a good evening


Yay!! glad it’s sorted :smile:

Have a great night yourself and have fun creating! Let us know if you would like any of your sets putting into community content

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