Single use sounds - FIXED

My question is, can the sound creator create single use sound files like the ones in the picture I have linked? If yes, how? I have looked everywhere!

When you create an element in the creator you have to choose what type of sound you want to have. If you choose “Oneshot” you get those buttons on the top right you want to have. The buttons on the lower right are global oneshots that can’t be changed with the creator.

Note that you can still have different sounds in the element. Every time you hit the button you get a different sound from the element playlist, depending on how much sounds you have added to the playlist.

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Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

Can’t wait for my call of cthulhu session now, will blow my players sanity away!


Exactly what @new_vision said, Cheers Mate! :smile:

Also if you havent seen them yet then try watching Ben’s tutorial videos. They are REALLY helpful :smile:


I agree, I AM very helpful… and good looking too.

…but not humble, though. :wink: