Creator interface take a long time to open

The problems seems to appear since i downloaded most of the soundsets localy (i want to do sample searches on ALL the library). Now it took 5-10 min for the interface to open after the creator is launched.

Is it normal ?

Thank you

You could try this to speed it up:

Close the player window (the little one with the Syrin in it - itā€™s probably saying ā€œwaiting for UIā€
Rightclick on the tray icon and choose ā€œopen interfaceā€ - sometimes this works.

Start up times can be variable, the reason is mysterious. Goblins might have something to do with it.

What messages do you get on the face of the PLAYER box?

Have you only half shutdown maybe and are now trying to restart?

have you restarted your system?

All these questions and more!! :smiley:

I donā€™t have any special message. The interface just launch after 5 min of waiting.

I have restarted my system with no effect. I have restarted the interface AND the creator multiple times.

A dumb question : isnā€™t it possible to make a sample search from ALL soundsets ? included those not downloaded ? it would be far more simple ^^

Well, there must he a message in the player window. What does it say?

This question will be moot sooooon, when the Creator goes online (with the Master/Minion) there will be no more downloading everything. You will be operating directly off the the server versions of SoundSets. Cool huh?! :slight_smile:

While loading is going on, messages and status appear on the Player window.

When it starts up the Creator verifies samples, and if there are many new samples since last time you started then it will take longer.

Start up again, and let us know what the player is saying, while you wait.

Also, fast computer? Full hard disk? Things like that?

Iā€™ll check the status last time, thanks !

This question will be moot sooooon, when the Creator goes online (with the Master/Minion) there will be no more downloading everything. You will be operating directly off the the server versions of SoundSets. Cool huh?!

Ho, good ! Maybe iā€™ll wait for this to happen instead of spending my evenings downloading soundets on the creator ^^" Do you think it will be ready for the end of the year ?

I absolutely love your soundsets, i just want to use the creator to add my personal music library to background musics (since i use it really often, some of them begins to be a bit repetitive :yum:)

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So I guess the problem has been solved? What did the trick for you?

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