Account Confusion - RESOLVED

I was a full subscriber, but needed to cancel that to switch to Fantasy only. I got the fantasy sub and that is fine. However, when I go to my account here and check what I have access to, it says ALL fantasy. Even when I go to look at pathfinder stuff. For example, I go and see if I have access to Rise of the Runelords, and it says I have all of it. But when I turn on the windows app, I don’t. This is very confusing and I thought I WAS getting all Fantasy. Anyways, what my account shows, and what the program shows are not congruent and would appreciate having what my account says I have. 8 bucks is still l lot without sci fi, so ALL fantasy is what I thought I was getting. Thanks

This is an example of what I see. Thanks

@londel26 If the website says you have access to it, the Fantasy player should also definitely reflect that.

But I notice that the soundset you have taken a screenshot is not actually a soundset at all. It is a soundpack, which is a grouped product in our online store that contains several individual soundsets.

In the Fantasy player you will not see Hell's Rebels: Breaking the Bones of Hell SoundPack. If you click across to the next tab, SoundSet Features, you will see the included soundsets.

I’ve confirmed that these are definitely included in the chapter data that is being delivered to your Fantasy player, so you should be able to search for “bbh” to see the following:

  • bbh Haunting part 1
  • bbh Haunting part 2
  • bbh Soul anchor
  • bbh Abandon all hope
  • bbh Apex of bone

Also see “What do the acronyms at the beginning of some of the SoundSets mean?” in the FAQ for the meaning of other acronym prefixes in soundset names.

Ok good, I was just making sure is all. Thank you for checking for me.