how about just implementing MIDI?
Registering my (continued) interest in being able to control Syrinscape via 3rd party integration on Mac.
I’d like to be able to control Syrinscape with my Stream Deck, or any other similar macro-keyboard-type interface.
I know the 3rd party integration / URI feature in the Syrinscape App interface is non-functioning for Mac. But keyboard shortcuts for moods would be a fine workaround. I know that’s possible because you’ve already done it for one-shots. I’m so close to having a working solution. Just need keyboard shortcuts in the app and I’m set.
Note: just to get ahead of the well-meaning advice I keep getting… I’m running 5.1 audio but the web player doesn’t support 5.1 (because browsers don’t support 5.1 - why?! I don’t know). So I’m limited to using the apps. Which work great, but lack 3rd party integration support on Mac or keyboard shortcuts.
@ryan.cassar any update on the URI Proxy? Do you know if it has made it onto the roadmap yet? Or still pretty far out
At this stage, it is unlikely to be implemented any time soon, it has been triaged as a very low priority task
I appreciate the honesty and transparency. Seriously.
I’ll have to figure out an alternative way to trigger sounds from Obsidian on my Mac.
Basic keyboard shortcuts would bypass all the MacOS URI shenanigans and allow a solid work-around for many third party integrations.
Is there something standing in the way of having keyboard shortcuts for moods?